25.06.2023Blue Yonder
Podcast: Resilience in a Low Growth Economy: A Survival Guide
Listen to Alan Duncan, VP EMEA of Manufacturing Solution Advisory at Blue Yonder draw on his years of experience and explain how Supply Chain and Manufacturing Leaders can ride the storm without losing all of their feathers on the way.
06.01.2022Implement Consulting Group
Roger Martin – Changing conversations in strategy
Join us when we talk to renowned strategy advisor and author Professor Roger Martin about changing conversations in strategy, integrative thinking and challenging leaders to stop corporate theatre in our organisations.
20.12.2021Implement Consulting Group
Changing Conversations
Conversations might be the smallest biggest thing in making organisations fit for humans and fit for the future. In this podcast, we discuss how change happens and manifests in conversations, both for us as humans and for organisations. We will be joined by business leaders, management thinkers and thought leaders from academia and beyond.
SCM Agendaen: SCM 4.0 – muligheder og udfordringer
Den allerførste udgave af vores nye podcast, SCM Agendaen, er klar! Temaet for udsendelsen er SCM 4.0 og de mange fantastiske muligheder, teknologien rummer, men også de udfordringer, der kan følge med for de danske virksomheder, som agter at tage teknologien til sig.
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