Supply chain software
Brown Thomas Arnotts cuts in-store costs and improves customer experience with Zetes
Brown Thomas Arnotts, Ireland's leading luxury retailer, is accelerating its omnichannel growth with the ZetesAthena In-Store Management Solution. The solution enhances store operations and Click & Collect services by providing store staff with intuitive software and real-time data. As a result, the customer experience and bottom line are improved.
24.11.2022RELEX Solutions
STARK Finland vælger RELEX Solutions til at levere en integreret forecasting og replenishment løsning
Forhandlerkæden vil udover tilpasset samarbejde på tværs af deres afdelinger også drage fordel af nøjagtig demand forecasting, optimerede lagerniveauer og forbedret leveringsevne.
Fire måder supply chain software kan bidrage til mere bæredygtighed
84 procent af supply chain ledere planlægger at investere i klimatiltag inden for de kommende 18 måneder. Det viser Gartner-undersøgelsen “Supply Chain Sustainability Trends 2021”. Supply chain software rummer stort potentiale og er et godt sted at starte.
28.06.2021Blue Yonder
Building Software Applications Is Not Like Lego Bricks
When it comes to constructing software infrastructure, companies should avoid playing with independent Lego bricks. Instead, why not invest in a complete Lego castle? Michael Feindt, Chief Scientist and Strategic Advisor at Blue Yonder discusses.
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