Supply chain control tower
07.04.2022Blue Yonder
Blue Yonder Recognized as a Leader in Nucleus Research Supply Chain Planning Value Matrix 2022
Leadership ranking is attributed to Blue Yonder’s ability to deliver value to customers through the strength of SaaS functionality, usability and powerful AI/ML capabilities for supply chain planning and management.
26.03.2021Blue Yonder
Are your shipments "up the canal without a paddle"?
Supply chain disruptions can happen anytime and interfere with your planning. Are you prepared for situations where orders might get lost on their way? Read Rachel's story about supply chain disruptions by Alan Duncan.
18.02.2021Blue Yonder
How can we overcome a crisis caused by unexpected market disruptions?
Phillip Teschemacher, Lead of Manufacturing Europe at Blue Yonder shares his thoughts on the current market landscape that has been disrupted and how companies need to act now in order to overcome these challenges.
03.06.2019Blue Yonder
The autonomous supply chain doesn't have to be your moonshot
An age where automation predicts demand, navigates disruptions, and keeps your business ahead of unpredictable buying trends. The autonomous supply chain doesn't just respond; it leads. Backed by AI and the right data, your company can move forward into t
Brother Nordic A/S
Financial Accountant søges hos Brother Nordic
Vil du gerne arbejde i en international virksomhed med varierende opgaver? Er du struktureret, har en positiv tilgang og er skarp i regnskab og økonomi? Så er denne stilling som Financial Accountant noget for dig!
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Project Manager
Do you aspire to be known as a great Project Manager, juggling numerous tasks and responsibilities while securing a successful completion of projects? Then we have the job for you!
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Engineering Documentation Coordinator
Vi søger en engageret og struktureret Engineering Documentation Coordinator til at bygge bro mellem mekaniske ingeniører og indkøbsafdelingen. Du vil sikre effektivt samarbejde, optimere processer og opretholde dataintegritet, samtidig med at du fungerer som primært kontaktpunkt for tekniske krav, leveringstider og projektprioriteter.
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Project Engineer- Electrical Design
Vil du arbejde med komplekse og højteknologiske løsninger i et stærkt og ambitiøst team? Drømmer du om faglige udfordringer, en spændende hverdag og muligheden for at udvikle løsninger, der gør en forskel? Så er det dig, vi leder efter!
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Studiemedhjælper til Finans - Power BI & Dataanalyse
Har du passion for data, Power BI og visualisering? Vil du være med til at udvikle og optimere finansielle rapporter i en virksomhed, hvor data spiller en central rolle? Så er du måske vores nye studiemedhjælper i Finans!
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Service Sales Manager
We are looking for an experienced and driven Service Sales Manager to lead the sales of customized service solutions, specifically targeting the Nordic market. You will have central roll in designing and delivering tailored service contracts for large-scale automated warehouses, with a primary focus on residential service agreements. You will work closely with cross functional teams, combining technical insight with customer focused sales strategy to drive both global and regional service sales.
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Apport Systems A/S
Full Stack Software Developer
Bliv vores nye Full Stack Software Developer til Apport Cloud WMS. Syntes du, at teknologi og kvalitet inden for softwareudvikling er drønspændende? Og brænder du for at håndtere begge sider af webudvikling – lige fra den kunstneriske side udadtil, til de tekniske aspekter bagved? Fantastisk, så er det måske lige dig, der skal være en del af Apport-teamet som vores nye Full-Stack Software Developer.
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