Brown Thomas Arnotts cuts in-store costs and improves customer experience with Zetes
Brown Thomas Arnotts, Ireland's leading luxury retailer, is accelerating its omnichannel growth with the ZetesAthena In-Store Management Solution. The solution enhances store operations and Click & Collect services by providing store staff with intuitive software and real-time data. As a result, the customer experience and bottom line are improved.
29.03.2022Blue Yonder
Blue Yonder og Snowflake indgår partnerskab for at frigøre værdien af data i Supply Chain Management
Blue Yonders Luminate™-platform, der er drevet af Snowflake, vil give et end-to-end overblik over forsyningskæden, indsigt i konsekvenserne og normative tiltag til at mindske risici og reducere forstyrrelser
21.03.2022Blue Yonder
Next Wave of Digitization Will Challenge Retailers, According to New Study
Future Commerce Initiative study co-sponsored by Blue Yonder finds new digital selling models shape supply chain future and retailers will be challenged to transform while maintaining existing business
Re-thinking Retail: The Opportunity for Wholesalers
In the retail industry, prolonged periods of lockdown have expedited the migration to online outlets. There is a desire to return to in-person shopping, but they want more from it. See research from McKinsey in the article for more.
07.12.2021KNAPP A/S
Fuldautomatisk plukning til fleksibel butikslevering
Vores innovative Robotic Universal Picker – RUNPICK – er udviklet specielt til dagligvarebranchen, der tager butikslevering til et helt nyt niveau. RUNPICK behandler og palleterer store håndteringsenheder for detailhandel helt automatisk.
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