08.02.2023Blue Yonder
Challenges and Opportunities of Supply Chain Disruption
IAC Group is a leading global supplier of automotive components and systems. In this fireside chat, Kelly Bysouth, Chief Supply Chain Officer at IAC talks about the challenges and opportunities of supply chain disruptions in the automotive industry.
26.10.2022Blue Yonder
Empowering Continued Leadership in Tier 1 Automotive Industries
Your car is a data center on wheels. Learn about the increased complexities that come with more connected and autonomous vehicles, including supply chain challenges that are becoming the new normal around the globe.
18.08.2022Blue Yonder
Diginomica: CEO Duncan Angove on Making Blue Yonder the ‘Category Killer’ for Supply Chain
This is an area that Angove has been working in, or working near, for most of his career. Speaking with diginomica this week, he explains how joining the company as CEO felt like an obvious choice for him – given his history in supply chain management…
29.03.2022Blue Yonder
Blue Yonder og Snowflake indgår partnerskab for at frigøre værdien af data i Supply Chain Management
Blue Yonders Luminate™-platform, der er drevet af Snowflake, vil give et end-to-end overblik over forsyningskæden, indsigt i konsekvenserne og normative tiltag til at mindske risici og reducere forstyrrelser
06.01.2022Kinaxis Europe B.V
The Great Supply Chain Planning Reset: Is your business ready for the next disruption?
As one of America's founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, famously said, “Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” Had he been alive now, he might have amended that statement to include supply chain disruption.
19.10.2021Consafe Logistics
Is technology the savior of supply chain?
Supply chain has been disrupted on a global scale and the latest survey of the Institute of Supply Management confirms this. 95% of the respondents reported that their supply chain was impacted by the pandemic. This raises the question: will technology enable supply chain to overcome this crisis?
17.11.2020BluJay Solutions, now part of E2open
75 procent af virksomhederne planlægger at foretage ændringer for at opbygge mere modstandsdygtige forsyningskæder
Ny rapport fra BluJay Solutions giver indsigt i, hvordan forsyningskæde- og logistikvirksomheder håndterer disruption, opbygger langsigtet modstandsdygtighed og prioriterer kundeoplevelse og innovation
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