Supply Chain and Network Operations
Supply Chain and Network Operations (SCNO) offers a wide range of comprehensive solutions to bridge the gap between business and IT, establishing themselves as the leading transformation partner in the Nordic region for supply chain management and IT solutions.
Advisory: In the Advisory pillar of SCNO, we provide expert consultation services in various areas of supply chain management. Our expertise includes strategy transformation, integrated business planning (IBP), sales and operations planning (SOP), sales and operations execution (SOE), sustainability, logistics, procurement, business transformation, SCM concepts, system selections, control tower concepts, network design, and change management. We offer guidance and solutions to optimize logistics operations and streamline procurement processes, ensuring efficient and cost-effective supply chain management. Additionally, we prioritize sustainability and can assist in implementing environmentally conscious practices throughout the supply chain.
Advanced Planning & Scheduling: SCNO offers consultation on planning and scheduling solution implementations. Our services cover end-to-end supply chain planning, advanced planning and scheduling (APS) concepts, integration of APS with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and the utilization of digital trends and automation. We possess expertise in implementing APS across multiple systems, including SAP IBP, Kinaxis, O9, Anaplan, and other APS solutions. SCNO is also recognized as the Center of Excellence (CoE) for Kinaxis within Deloitte.
SAP Transformations: Under the SAP Transformations pillar, our highly skilled SAP consultants deliver comprehensive services across planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and delivery processes. We provide expertise in SAP architecture, business architecture, functional taxonomies, SAP SCM solutioning, SAP SCM advisory, design authority, integration, and master data solutions.
Our experienced project management team ensures smooth and timely project delivery while maintaining high-quality standards. We prioritize the integration of the supply chain with the overall company strategy, enabling organizations to achieve optimal efficiency and superior results.
Weidekampsgade 6, 2300 København S,
+45 53 54 60 55Sociale medier
Søren Unn Nielsen
Stefan Glar-Hammarsund
Fredrik Olsson
Lars Kissow
Henrik Knak
Camilla Thuge Lund
Seneste nyt
Indførelsen af S&OP er en kontaktsport
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Sådan går det med SCM i 2020 - del 3
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