GUD Filters transforms distribution centre inventory counting with ZetesMedea
GUD Filters, South Africa's leading automotive filter brand since 1949, optimises its warehouse operations with the ZetesMedea Full Pallet inventory solution. By harnessing the benefits of machine vision technology, this innovative approach promises to safeguard stock integrity and elevate efficiency levels in the distribution centre.
11.05.2023Blue Yonder
Blue Yonder Showcases Revolutionary Company Vision at ICON 2023; Releases Q1 2023 Company Highlights
Blue Yonder unleashes an innovation shockwave at its annual customer conference, reimagining the supply chain on top of the data cloud and infinite intelligence powered by AI
PostNord TPL aims for zero shipping errors with Zetes
PostNord TPL signs an extensive multi-solution project with Zetes and invests in two modules of the ZetesMedea logistics execution solution, to enhance operational efficiency and bring more innovation into their warehouse operations.
Nynedsat Tigerråd vil sætte visioner for Digitale Danmark i 2040
Danmark har været en frontløber, når det kommer til digitalisering, men begynder langsomt at falde bagud. Denne udvikling ønsker Dansk Erhverv at bremse, da ny teknologi bliver afgørende for, hvilken fremtid vi kommer til at leve i. Derfor nedsætter erhvervsorganisationen et Tigerråd, der skal opstille en digital vision for Danmark anno 2040.
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