08.04.2022Bredana Solutions A/S
Brug PLM til at gøre din virksomhed mere effektiv!
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) er disciplinen at styre dit produkt sikkert igennem alle faser fra start til slut. PLM er blevet en væsentlig bidragyder til at løse den moderne industrivirksomheds udfordringer.
05.10.2021WITRON Group
WITRON doubles manufacturing capacities in Parkstein - 1,800 additional attractive jobs
To ensure that WITRON remains a strong partner for its customers and employees in the future and can cope with growth, company founder and owner, Walter Winkler, decided at the beginning of 2019, to expand the manufacturing capacities in Parkstein by 120,000 square meters to a total of 220,000 square meters, which corresponds to an investment volume of approx. 200 mill. Euros. This is currently the largest privately financed construction project in northern Bavaria. In his festive speech, Minister Albert Füracker described the company as “shining example for Bavaria.”
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