Broman Group continues to automate with Swisslog
Two years ago, the Finnish Broman Group chose Swisslog as partner for its advanced automated logistics center in Kerava, thirty kilometers northeast of Helsinki. Now the time has come to more than double the size of the logistics center and Swisslog has once again been chosen as the supplier.
06.06.2022WITRON Group
E.Leclerc Socamil and WITRON win prestigious French logistics award
Great honors for E.Leclerc Socamil. The French food retailer received the “Rois de la Supply Chain 2022” award, the most prestigious logistics prize in France, from the “Supply Chain Magazine”. The award was given for the fully automated omnichannel / multi-temperature distribution center in Calstelnaudery and was designed and implemented by the logistics lifetime partner WITRON. The core innovation is the world debut FPM (Flow Picking Machinery), a fully automated “flow-through warehouse” for the complete range of fresh and ultra-fresh products. FPM was described by the jury as a paradigm shift in the supply chain of French fresh produce logistics. The award now allows E.Leclerc to participate in the European Logistics Association Award.
11.04.2022Scan Global Logistics A/S
Scan Global Logistics outlines new low carbon solutions to help reduce customers’ CO2 emissions
Scan Global Logistics (SGL) accelerates its climate action to decarbonize customers’ supply chains with increased speed and scale. Concrete solutions, including offering Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and low emitting trucking, are among the low carbon logistics services SGL provides to help its customers reduce emissions within all transport modes.
21.02.2022WITRON Group
INEX Partners: Omni-channel integration during ongoing operations
During ongoing operations, a high-performance logistics center in Scandinavia is currently being expanded into an omni-channel logistics center. Since April 2012, the Finnish logistics service provider INEX Partners, a subsidiary of the retail company SOK, has been picking all general merchandise items at the Sipoo site using automated and semi-automated logistics systems from the general contractor WITRON Logistik + Informatik GmbH.
EDEKA Nord relies on WITRON technology in Neumünster
03.02.2022WITRON Group
As part of its optimization campaign “Logistics 2030”, EDEKA Nord again relies on the storage and picking systems of the general contractor WITRON from Parkstein, Germany, for the design and implementation of the new regional warehouse in Neumünster.
02.12.2021Spaceinvader Europe A/S
CO2 casestudie: Kapacitetsoptimering er den grønne vej frem
Klimakrisen bekymrer os alle. Og konsekvenserne af den globale opvarmning bliver tydeligere år for år. Danmark har et nationalt klimamål om at nedbringe CO2 niveauet med 70% i 2030. Transport- og logistikbranchen skal også yde sit bidrag.
COP26 - Sustainability in the logistics industry
At the beginning of November, the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference was held in Glasgow. World leaders were gathered to map out a path to a more sustainable future. Most people within the logistics industry were eager to hear the vital role sustainable supply chains will play when achieving the targets agreed, at COP26.
18.11.2021Consafe Logistics
How to survive Black Friday Logistics – without killing your warehouse
One thing we know for certain is that Christmas happens every year. And nowadays, so do Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Still, many companies seem to be surprised every year by the sudden spike in demand and doesn’t strategize enough to handle the pressure. With exhausted warehouse workers, angry customers, and unnecessary costs as the results. In this blog post we will explore some simple measures to take the worst stress off Black Friday deliveries and get your Cyber Monday warehouse in shape.
03.09.2021WITRON Group
Automation for fresh products with a shelf life of at least 8 days
The Dutch food retailer Jumbo is realizing one of the most modern automated fresh food logistics centers in Europe with WITRON Logistik + Informatik GmbH. From the beginning of 2024, the 40,000 square meter facility in Nieuwegein will supply all stores in the Netherlands and Belgium with almost 2,900 different fresh items - dairy items, cheeses, meat products, tapas, salads, chilled beverages, and much more with a shelf life of at least 8 days. The central distribution center (CDC) is designed for an initial peak picking performance of more than 850,000 pick units per day. A modular expansion for future growth is already part of the overall concept. Furthermore, additional COM robotics lines are being installed in the existing dry goods warehouse during ongoing operations.
Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Engineering Documentation Coordinator
Vi søger en engageret og struktureret Engineering Documentation Coordinator til at bygge bro mellem mekaniske ingeniører og indkøbsafdelingen. Du vil sikre effektivt samarbejde, optimere processer og opretholde dataintegritet, samtidig med at du fungerer som primært kontaktpunkt for tekniske krav, leveringstider og projektprioriteter.
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Project Engineer- Electrical Design
Vil du arbejde med komplekse og højteknologiske løsninger i et stærkt og ambitiøst team? Drømmer du om faglige udfordringer, en spændende hverdag og muligheden for at udvikle løsninger, der gør en forskel? Så er det dig, vi leder efter!
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Studiemedhjælper til Finans - Power BI & Dataanalyse
Har du passion for data, Power BI og visualisering? Vil du være med til at udvikle og optimere finansielle rapporter i en virksomhed, hvor data spiller en central rolle? Så er du måske vores nye studiemedhjælper i Finans!
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Service Sales Manager
We are looking for an experienced and driven Service Sales Manager to lead the sales of customized service solutions, specifically targeting the Nordic market. You will have central roll in designing and delivering tailored service contracts for large-scale automated warehouses, with a primary focus on residential service agreements. You will work closely with cross functional teams, combining technical insight with customer focused sales strategy to drive both global and regional service sales.
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Apport Systems A/S
Full Stack Software Developer
Bliv vores nye Full Stack Software Developer til Apport Cloud WMS. Syntes du, at teknologi og kvalitet inden for softwareudvikling er drønspændende? Og brænder du for at håndtere begge sider af webudvikling – lige fra den kunstneriske side udadtil, til de tekniske aspekter bagved? Fantastisk, så er det måske lige dig, der skal være en del af Apport-teamet som vores nye Full-Stack Software Developer.
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