Right to Repair - Revenue Streams
In this series we will cover topics such as sustainability, revenue streams, and Customer relations as part of the Right to Repair Directive (R2RD). Discover how R2RD is not just a regulatory requirement for your manufacturing company, but also a powerful tool to enhance various business areas. This is video 2/3.
The Retailer's Guide to 2024 - The rise of alternative revenue streams
Alternative revenue streams are becoming increasingly common in retail. The world’s leading retailers and marketplaces, such as Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, and Office Depot are some examples of businesses with the capacity to scale up the trend.
Cybersikkerhed fylder arbejdslivet for mange
Kaseya har netop udgivet sin årlige MSP Benchmark-rapport, som i år kortlægger, hvordan cybersikkerhed, AI og automatisering påvirker it-professionelles arbejdsgange, work-life-balance og rekrutteringstendenser på et særdeles konkurrencepræget marked.
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