24.02.2021Blue Yonder
Achieving Financial Success While Delivering World-Class Customer Experiences
Blue Yonder’s omni-channel fulfillment microservice gives businesses the ability to deliver customer-facing features and enables businesses on the back end to conduct post- order sourcing and optimization.
15.04.2020Blue Yonder
COVID-19 Undersøgelse: Forbrugetendenser og deres indvirkning på detailforsyningskæder
Når verden tilpasser sig et nyt sæt normer som reaktion på COVID-19-krisen, får udtrykket "business as usual" en ny betydning for økonomien, organisationer, forbrugere og forsyningskæderne, der understøtter deres daglige krav.
17.10.2019Blue Yonder
JDA outpaces the competition in the 2019 Nucleus Research Workforce Management Value Matrix
Nucleus Research has scored JDA® Workforce Management the highest among all vendors in usability and a leading vendor in the Facilitator. This is the third year in a row as highest ranking in usability, outpacing the competition.
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