Blue Ridge Global

We are Blue Ridge, creators of the leading supply chain platform for distributors, retailers and manufacturers. We get businesses out of panic mode and into profit mode.

We believe that demand forecasting and pricing strategy are NOT individual activities. The unique integration of the two are what shape demand, create value and give companies ultimate control over forecast accuracy, even under erratic supply chain conditions.

With inventory data and pricing strategy working in harmony at all times, our customers can respond to new opportunities with speed and assurance.
Right products, right places, right prices, — versus operating on safety stock and clearance markdowns.


Trollåsveien 8 1414 Trollåsen Norway,


John Rothmann

Sales Executive Nordics

Seneste nyt

30.11.2023Blue Ridge Global


”Med Blue Ridge får vi overblik over forsyningskæderne - helt ned på detaljeniveau”

Blue Ridge Global hjælper sine kunder med at planlægge og analysere, så de kan præstere optimalt inden for Supply Chain Management. Det har direktøren i norske Isola A/S erfaret.

10.01.2023Blue Ridge Global


Blue Ridge sørger for end-to-end optimering af din supply chain