ORTEC Routing Suite features some major improvements to routing

With some clients covering more than 28 million kilometers annually on transportation, small improvements cause major savings on time, customer satisfaction and fuel. Developing new and improving tools to optimize the safest and fastest route between drops and pickups is a high priority for us and our clients.

ORTEC Routing Suite features some major improvements to routing such as:

The ‘Inner City’ routing developments introduced in the ORTEC Service Planning; will not only prevent turns that are not allowed by traffic authorities but also proactively avoid undesirable U-turns if they are too sharp for your specific vehicle.

Drive time calculations will be improved by replacing current road types and speed profiles with the speed categories provided by the map supplier. An option to manually configure speeds is also available.

The map production process has been improved to provide a higher update frequency of map data, should you require the latest street network updates.

The scheduler’s calculation speed has been improved, especially for routes with many stops.

Time is money, and at ORTEC we make your business more efficient, more predictable and more effective.

Please take a moment to visit our new website: www.ortec.com

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