Make the most of your warehouse space with Combilift.

Space is expensive – in fact it may be one of the most valuable commodities that a company possesses, particularly in areas close to major conurbations or important transport networks.

Foto: Combilift

So anything that can be done to optimise your current footprint can avoid relocation in times of growth – which is not only very costly but also a major disruption and an organisational headache.   

Trying to reconfigure space can be a daunting task, but expertise is on hand from Irish forklift manufacturer Combilift, which has around 25 years of experience in helping companies of all sizes maximise the capacity, safety and efficiency of their warehouse and storage facilities. A team of 10 design engineers work on the very popular, free of charge warehouse design & layout service, and provide diagrams showing how a warehouse can be configured according to the capabilities of Combilift’s products, which can lead to a doubling of available space.

Brendan Farrell. Foto: Combilift

One very popular product from Combilift that has been instrumental in maximising storage density is the Aisle Master articulated forklift. Its ability to work in very narrow aisles and with lift heights of up to 15m enables it to replace a combination of reach and counterbalance trucks for unparalleled versatility and indoor and outdoor operation.   

Unified Global Packaging Group have been using these trucks for the past eight years and now have four units in operation at its HQ. The previous combination of turret trucks and counterbalance forklifts entailed a lot of time consuming double handling whereas the Aisle Masters transport goods directly from racking or production onto waiting delivery trucks in the yard. Working in pre-existing aisle widths of 1900mm (although the trucks can work in 1600mm aisles) the Aisle Masters have helped United Global to increase efficiency, speed up handling procedures and of course enable best use of every centimetre of the warehouse. 

Foto: Combilift

Foto: Combilift

Foto: Combilift

Foto: Combilift

Foto: Combilift

Foto: Combilift

Foto: Combilift

Another very happy customer and beneficiary of the free layout planning service is Brendan Farrell, joint CEO of Farrell Furniture. “We gave Combilift the dimensions of the warehouse as well as the materials we use in production. They supplied plans that showed us how using one of their trucks could generate over 30% more storage capacity. The warehouse is the same size as it was when we got our first Combilift a few years ago but we have since quadrupled in growth, so this is testimony to how Combilift’s original layouts future-proofed us. Getting help from the experts to improve the performance of our warehouse was an absolute eye opener.”

Foto: Combilift

Denne artikel er del af et tema:

Tema: Effektive logistikterminaler og lagerstyring

Effektive logistikterminaler, materialehåndtering og lagerstyring er afgørende for enhver virksomhed, der ønsker at opretholde en konkurrencefordel i dagens marked. Og området er i rivende udvikling – drevet af den teknologiske udvikling, mangel på arbejdskraft, den grønne omstilling og den stigende geopolitiske og sikkerhedsmæssige situation i post-covid19-verdenen. Talrige undersøgelser og markedsrapporter dokumenterer, at virksomhederne investerer på livet løs i automatiserede og digitale løsninger for at øge effektivitet, fleksibilitet og kvalitet på lageret. Men de peger også på, at der stadig er et stort uudnyttet potentiale. Dyk ned i temaet og bliv klogere på udviklingen.

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