Kardex Danmark
Kardex er førende leverandør af lagerautomater og tilhørende software systemer i Danmark og verden. Kardex leverer, producerer og implementerer lager- og logistikløsninger, der hjælper virksomheder med at øge effektiviteten, skabe lagerplads og forbedre arbejdsmiljøet. Kardex har markedets største sortiment.
Sociale medier
Elin Kristiansen
Marketing Manager Nordics
Seneste nyt
20.04.2023Kardex Danmark
Kardex introduces a new way of picking at LogiMAT 2023
Kardex, a world-leading manufacturer of automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), presents a new and innovative way of picking at LogiMAT 2023 as part of a live demonstration in Stuttgart, April 25 – 27 in hall 1, stand 49.
10.10.2022Kardex Danmark
Efficient Order Consolidation - Automated order consolidation
How we took our customer from task to solution Headquartered in Germany, Hella Distribution GmbH, supplies customers worldwide with automotive parts and accessories for original equipment as well as for the aftermarket sector. To guarantee fast and accurate daily deliveries, extend warehouse capacity, and create an efficient and ergonomic order consolidation process, they opted for an automated Kardex solution.
06.10.2022Kardex Danmark
3 Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Warehouse in 2023
Economic turmoil, recessions, and stock market crashes are a fact of life in the modern world. These days more people are planning for when a recession hits more than if a recession is going to hit. Others say it already has hit. Amidst economic uncertainty it’s best to be prepared before things take a turn for the worst. This is even more important for warehouses and distribution centers that are already stretched thin by global supply chain disruptions.
28.04.2022Kardex Danmark
SkalHuset automatiserer sit nye lager med AutoStore-løsning fra Kardex
For at det skal lykkes at fastholde korte leveringstider, når antallet af ordrer stiger, stilles der høje krav til optimerede plukke-, konsoliderings- og pakkeprocesser. Derfor effektiviserer SkalHuset nu sit nye lager med en moderne, fleksibel og skræddersyet AutoStore-løsning fra Kardex.
30.03.2022Kardex Danmark
Kardex bliver medlem af Odense Robotics
Kardex er blevet medlem i Odense Robotics - Danmarks nationale robot- og droneklynge. Klyngens vision er at gøre Danmark til en endnu større og bedre robotnation igennem at fremme innovation og være katalysator for bæredygtig udvikling.
Temaer som virksomheden deltager i
Artikler virksomheden er nævnt i
10.10.2022Kardex Danmark
Efficient Order Consolidation - Automated order consolidation
How we took our customer from task to solution Headquartered in Germany, Hella Distribution GmbH, supplies customers worldwide with automotive parts and accessories for original equipment as well as for the aftermarket sector. To guarantee fast and accurate daily deliveries, extend warehouse capacity, and create an efficient and ergonomic order consolidation process, they opted for an automated Kardex solution.
06.10.2022Kardex Danmark
3 Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Warehouse in 2023
Economic turmoil, recessions, and stock market crashes are a fact of life in the modern world. These days more people are planning for when a recession hits more than if a recession is going to hit. Others say it already has hit. Amidst economic uncertainty it’s best to be prepared before things take a turn for the worst. This is even more important for warehouses and distribution centers that are already stretched thin by global supply chain disruptions.
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