Digital transformation
IAMs vigtige rolle i Nuudays digitale transformation
Nuuday gennemgår en massiv digital transformation for at levere innovative digitale tjenester og bedre kundeoplevelser. Nuuday valgte Columbus Security som partner til at afgrænse IAM-projektet, evaluere IAM-værktøjsmarkedet og implementere den valgte IAM-løsning.
07.12.2023Blue Yonder
The New Must Haves for Supply Chain Resilience
Today’s business environment can be best described as perpetual chaos – leading to both risks and opportunities. Having a resilient supply chain gives organizations the best chance to minimize the downside of risks and more importantly maximize the upside of opportunities.
28.11.2023Blue Yonder
The Top 15 Capabilities for Supply Chain Resilience
Supply chain resilience can be a strategic differentiator when it comes to company performance in difficult times as well as good times, but it is difficult to achieve. Learn what are the “must-have” capabilities that you need to create a resilient and competitive supply chain.
16.11.2023Blue Yonder
The Top 15 Capabilities for Supply Chain Resilience
Supply chain resilience can be a strategic differentiator when it comes to company performance in difficult times as well as good times, but it is difficult to achieve. Learn what are the “must-have” capabilities that you need to create a resilient and competitive supply chain.
02.11.2023Blue Yonder
Cognitive Demand Planning - A New Approach to Demand Planning
Today’s supply chain challenges require re-thinking and re-tooling of the demand planning process and technology. For supply chain leaders, it is no longer enough to react to the market, they need to drive strategic growth and financial performance while balancing sustainability goals, planner retention and customer experience.
Mercuri Urval
Chef for Logistik på Region Hovedstadens Apotek
Vil du lede logistikken bag livsvigtig medicin – og være med til at forme fremtidens sundhedsvæsen?
Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Service Sales Manager
We are looking for an experienced and driven Service Sales Manager to lead the sales of customized service solutions, specifically targeting the Nordic market. You will have central roll in designing and delivering tailored service contracts for large-scale automated warehouses, with a primary focus on residential service agreements. You will work closely with cross functional teams, combining technical insight with customer focused sales strategy to drive both global and regional service sales.
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Apport Systems A/S
Full Stack Software Developer
Bliv vores nye Full Stack Software Developer til Apport Cloud WMS. Syntes du, at teknologi og kvalitet inden for softwareudvikling er drønspændende? Og brænder du for at håndtere begge sider af webudvikling – lige fra den kunstneriske side udadtil, til de tekniske aspekter bagved? Fantastisk, så er det måske lige dig, der skal være en del af Apport-teamet som vores nye Full-Stack Software Developer.
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Körber Supply Chain DK A/S
Vil du være med til at løfte og udvikle vores kvalitetsledelsessystem? Motiveres du af en udfordrende rolle med en bred kontaktflade, hvor du samarbejder med kolleger på tværs af organisationen? Så er du måske den kandidat, vi søger til stillingen som kvalitetsingeniør.
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