Ny rapport viser, at fokusområderne for bæredygtighed i forsyningskæden fortsat udvikler sig

Resultaterne fra State of Supply Chain Sustainability 2022 viser, at selv om fokusområderne har ændret sig i løbet af det seneste år, er den generelle opmærksomhed på bæredygtighedsindsatsen i forsyningskæden fortsat stigende

The 2022 State of Supply Chain Sustainability report, which is sponsored by Avetta, Blue Yonder, C.H. Robinson, KPMG LLP, and project44, published today, explores how supply chain sustainability (SCS) practices are being implemented globally and what that means for professionals, enterprises, industries, and the planet. This year’s report indicates that pressure to support SCS has increased steadily since last year, though that pressure has focused on different areas than it did last year. In particular, environmental dimensions of SCS received much more attention than in 2020: Climate change mitigation and natural resource/biodiversity conservation saw the biggest increases in interest from last year. Notably, no one issue area saw a decrease in interest from 2020 to 2021.

Read the full report >> here

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